
About Me

I am a Wiccan leaning grey chaos witch. I have studied various aspects of the occult for over 10 years. Energy work, sigils, chaos magick, and tarot are my specialties. Outside of those, I know a little about a lot of different occult topics. I'm always on the look out for new ideas and new methods to add to my repertoire.

About Mystic Crossroads

Looking for my first job as a teen, I longed for a spot at one of the few New Age shops around town. Alas, it never came to be. Older, jaded, and just in general burnt out in my day job, I've started looking towards greener pastures. Leaping right into a Bell, Book, and Candle is rather far outside my current means. Instead, I bring to you this digital version of the Mystic Crossroads. Pull up a chair, have a cup a tea, and learn some interesting tidbits about the occult. And don't forget to head over to services for a tarot reading!

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