May 29, 2022

Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Pentacles

Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Pentacles

We begin our journey through tarot’s minor arcana North of the crossroads. For the first leg of our journey, we will explore the suit of Pentacles. Corresponding to the Earth element, these cards focus on the physical realm. Pentacles speak of money, business, and property. They tell of humanity's material struggles. 

Numeral Pentacles describe financial or career situations. In a reading, they speak of actions. Things done, things in progress, and things that can be done. The Pentacles court, on the other hand, describes a person's role within a given situation. In a reading, they describe you or another key player.  

The Story

The Pentacles story begins with an offered chance that opens a world of possibilities. A person must accept help to take full advantage of the possibilities before them. Loss is inevitable so we must give what we can, invest in the future, and work hard so that we may enjoy the luxuries of success. Life is an endless cycle of opportunity, hard work, and nurturing  possibilities as we strive for wealth.

Ace of Pentacles

Chance A new job, promotion, or investment is on the horizon. Plan to take advantage of a new beginning and watch out for overlooked opportunities.

Two of Pentacles

Possibilities With more possibilities comes the need to prioritize and decide what is important. Take care not to over commit.

Three of Pentacles

Help Listen to advice and work with those around you lest you find yourself on your own.

Four of Pentacles

Control Manage your finances wisely and don’t be greedy. Keep your goals in mind, spend a little, save more.

Five of Pentacles

Loss Times are lean. Unexpected expenses or loss of employment happens to everyone. You may be facing hardship now; but, it will get better.

Six of Pentacles

Charity Share with others; but, don’t neglect yourself. Accept help when you need it; but, don’t take advantage of others' generosity.

Seven of Pentacles

Investment Put in the work now so that you may reap the benefits later. Being short sighted will only hurt you in the long run.

Eight of Pentacles

Practice Put in the effort to develop your skills; but, don’t stress if everything isn’t perfect.

Nine of Pentacles

Luxury Your plan is coming to fruition. Relax and take time to enjoy the benefits of your labor.

Ten of Pentacles

Success You’re at the peak of your career and financially secure. Don’t squander your success.

Page of Pentacles

Opportunity Someone needs to take a chance. They will learn a lesson even if it isn't a complete success. This person is new and inexperienced.

Knight of Pentacles

Hard Work Someone is putting in a lot of effort. So much so that they may have lost sight of the bigger picture. This person gets things done. 

Queen of Pentacles

Nurturing Someone is being supportive. They use their material success to help others succeed. This person shares with those in need. 

King of Pentacles

Wealth Someone is financially well off or in a position of power. They are a pillar of stability. Financially secure, this person wants for nothing. Others look up to them.  

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